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Staff Directory

1 2 3 5 > showing 1 - 20 of 82 constituents

Rafael Agueda

Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Michelle Alexander

Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Michelle Atterberry

Grade 6
Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Chrystal Ballard

Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Nelda Bazil-LeBlanc

Teaching Assistant
Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Tylyn Belton

Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Patricia Brown

English (7-12)
Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Stacey Brown

Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Vincent Bryant

Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Phyllis Carlos

Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Chinsha Chance

Teaching Assistant
Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Pranvera Cobo

Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Lisa Cooper-Merriman

SPED - ELA/Resource
Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Teresa Cowans

Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Yontia Darby

Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Kellie Deans

Teaching Assistant
Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Joseph Dempsey

Theater (K-12)
Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Stacie Deyglio

Chemistry (7-12)
Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Travis Francis

Teaching Assistant
Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton

Earnest Freeman

Denzel Washington School of the Arts at Thornton
1 2 3 5 > showing 1 - 20 of 82 constituents