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DWSA begins school year with back-to-school kickoff event

DWSA begins school year with back-to-school kickoff event

Denzel Washington School of the Arts students ended summer break with a back-to-school kickoff party and welcomed the new school year by buzzing from table to table and enjoying food provided by various food trucks and the school. Music provided by a DJ boomed through the air as students danced around with their friends and made new ones by signing up for clubs and various organizations such as Girls Inc. of Westchester County and the school’s Textile Club.  The kick-off was held on the first full school day on Wednesday, September 4, 2024.

Jhaelyn Jacobs who is celebrating her last first day as a senior at DWSA and president of the Textile Club is thrilled to get involved with her school community by inspiring creativity and passing along the baton to underclassmen. 

A group students posing together at back to school event.

“I’m really excited for us to be able to embody our creativity. I’ve always seen any type of creation and creative outlet as something special, especially for an art school,” said Jhaelyn. “I'm super excited that this year, we’re going to have more shows, more opportunities to write and direct, and get to branch out and try new things.” 

Students also enjoyed a live performance from DWSA’s very own drumline group. Students rushed around the group to videotape and dance to their classmates' productions, and loud applause erupted over the crowd once the performance ended. 

Many new and exciting initiatives and events will be coming to DWSA as a result of the staff's hard work and dedication to the student body.  The school is working in collaboration with HipHopGamer, who created the Playmakers program, an initiative to help students earn money by learning the art of video games. Students were excited to hear that this will be coming to DWSA in the future. 

The school's drum-line performing.

“This year is going to be a great year,” said Andrea Thomas, Principal at DWSA. “The theme of the year is ‘The Possibilities are Endless’ and, of course, we are the rising stars! These two things combined are going to result in something amazing.

Ms. Thomas also encourages parents to get involved this year. There will be many events held in collaboration with the school and the PTSA, such as Bring Your Dad to School Day.

The event was very popular with the student body, who couldn't contain their happiness after being away from school for the summer break. DWSA set the tone by holding artistic performances, live painting sessions by artist Leia Sands, and great vibes that enlivened the school community, getting them ready for the year ahead of them. 

Click here to view the full photo gallery!

Senior students showing of their senior class themed jeans.

Denzel Washington School of the Arts students ended summer break with a back-to-school kickoff party and welcomed the new school year by buzzing from table to table and enjoying food provided by various food trucks and the school. Music provided by a DJ boomed through the air as students danced around with their friends and made new ones by signing up for clubs and various organizations such as Girls Inc. of Westchester County and the school’s Textile Club.  The kick-off was held on the first full school day on Wednesday, September 4, 2024.

Andrea Thomas singing while people hold hands in the background.

Community members and families of Denzel Washington School of the Arts made their way to the Phylicia Rashad Auditorium at DWSA for a special live performance entitled Peace Through the Arts, with One World Future Ready, a global educational enrichment program connecting students around the world on Saturday, June 22, 2024.

Eight students holding certificates.

Denzel Washington School of the Arts seniors lined up on the stage of the Phylicia Rashad Auditorium to be recognized for their achievements at the annual Senior Awards Convocation on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. Students received awards for academic excellence, artistic and athletic achievement and service to the community. 

Click here to view the program with award winners.

Click here to view the full photo gallery.

Denzel with Mount Vernon staff

Denzel Washington School of the Arts students and staff, along with Acting Superintendent Dr. K. Veronica Smith, her cabinet and the Board of Education, had a rare opportunity to meet and speak with Denzel Washington, the namesake of the school, on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.